Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Stop by Rosy Red Buttons for Whimsical Wednesday

Camilla over at Rosy Red Buttons is being kind enough to feature my blog today for Whimsical Wednesday. I hope you'll all stop by and check out her AWESOME blog. It's one of my favorite places to go for new ideas and to find creative new approaches to some old ones. Happy Hump Day everyone!!!


Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Okay, so one of my New Year's resolutions is to LET GO OF THE SCRAPS. (Sounds kind of like part of some 12 step program for craft hoarders doesn't it? Definitely appropriate in my case.) I have a penchant for saving every tiny piece of leftover paper, fabric, ribbon, you name it. I am absolutely convinced that the day will come when I will have a void in a project that only that little scrap can fill. Needless to say, my scrap collection has gotten quite out of control to the point that if I needed to find that one tiny, perfect scrap to fill that void I think I might be buried alive in scraps before I ever locate the fated item.  As a matter of fact, I thought about posting before and after pictures of my scrap bins but was way too embarrassed.

Well, it's January 4 and the scrap bins have been cleaned out. I've organized the paper scraps and gotten them ready for card making, and I've even finally admitted to myself there is such a thing as too small to hold on to.  I'm still having a hard time letting go of those little pieces of leftover ribbon and fabric, but hey, it's only four days in. I've purged some, and really a good bit of paper has bit the dust.

I may not have purged the fabric pile completely yet, but I am committed to a new "use it or lose it" mentality where my craft supplies are concerned. So today when I came across a piece of leftover fabric from when I made these candy cane ornaments last month I decided to challenge myself to use it or give it up to the donation pile. Here's what I came up with...

I'm not in love with it, but what is left over from Christmas is now being put to good use for Valentine's Day. Maybe I'll go back and add a heart applique and see if I can get it from so-so to at least like. Maybe I'll just leave the little pillow as it is and sit back satisfied that I saved some cute fabric from meeting its craft bin demise (and saved myself from getting a good bit of grief for adding yet another item to the pile). So far, so good. Four days of letting go of the scraps down; 361 more to go.